Universal Kids CCLC.
Monday- Friday 6:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Woodland Ave location Phone: 215.726.0300
52nd Street Location Phone 215-978-5437
Email: Universalkids2@gmail.com

Universal Kids CCLC.
Monday- Friday 6:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Woodland Ave location Phone: 215.726.0300
52nd Street Location Phone 215-978-5437
Email: Universalkids2@gmail.com
Universal Kids Child Care & Learning Center's intent is to provide and maintain a healthy environment for all children and educators. Each child is required to have a current & yearly Health Record on file. All children must have up to date immunizations to attend Universal Kids Child Care & Learning Center.
Please remember that in a group setting, germs are easily passed from child to child. for the well being of all children and educator of Universal Kids, and to maintain a safe, clean, germ- free environment, we kindly request that if your child shows any signs of being unwell, please keep them home until they have fully recovered. This helps prevent the spread of illness and ensure the health of all our young scholars and educators. Control of communicable diseases in a childcare setting takes cooperative effort on the part of the parents and the facility.
Do not bring your child to school if they have any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours:
· Temperature of 100 degrees or more
· Diarrhea
· Rash (suspected contagious disease such as measles or chicken pox)
· Serious lung congestion
· Pink Eye
· Vomiting
· Runny Nose with colored mucus
· Continuous coughing
If your child becomes ill while in our care, you will be notified immediately to pick up your child. If a parent cannot be reached, Emergency Contact Persons will be notified.
If a child needs to take minor medication while in care, please bring the medication in its original container prescribed by the doctor (State Law). You will also have to fill out a Medication Administration Policy and Procedures form.